Kashmir Law & Justice Project is an advocacy organization led by Kashmiri diaspora lawyers that seeks to bring attention to, and to redress, historic and ongoing rights violations in Indian-Administered Jammu and Kashmir. This site is a public portal to primary and secondary source material regarding those violations and to some of the advocacy work in which KLJP is involved.

Key Developments in the Human Rights Situation in Indian-Administered Kashmir May 1 - May 31, 2024

Project South, KLJP, KSCAN

Posted to KLJP

July 9, 2024


Originally published

July 2024

2024 Bi-Annual Review Human Rights Situation in Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir

Legal Forum for Kashmir - LFK

Posted to KLJP

July 9, 2024

Historical Reports

Originally published

July 2024

Key Developments in the Human Rights Situation in Indian-Administered Kashmir April 1 - April 30, 2024

Project South, KLJP, KSCAN

Posted to KLJP

June 3, 2024


Originally published

June 2024

The Saffronization of Occupied Kashmir: Demystifying Hindu(tva) Settler Colonial Designs

Legal Forum for Kashmir -- LFK

Posted to KLJP

May 27, 2024

Historical Reports

Originally published

May 2024

Key Developments in the Human Rights Situation in Indian-Administered Kashmir March 1 - March 31, 2024

Project South, KLJP, KSCAN

Posted to KLJP

April 27, 2024


Originally published

April 2024

Key Developments in the Human Rights Situation in Indian-Administered Kashmir February 1 - February 29, 2024

Project South, KLJP, KSCAN

Posted to KLJP

April 12, 2024


Originally published

April 2024

Almost 140 human rights groups urge federal courts to hold U.S. accountable for failing to prevent plausible genocide in Gaza

Kashmir Law and Justice Project

Posted to KLJP

March 25, 2024


Originally published

March 2024

Immediately release Irfan Mehraj – A call from civil society on the first anniversary of his continuing arbitrary detention

Kashmir Law and Justice Project

Posted to KLJP

March 21, 2024


Originally published

March 2024

BRIEF: What is the Treaty of Amritsar and Why Should We Care?

Kashmir Law and Justice Project

Posted to KLJP

March 16, 2024


Originally published

March 2024

"They Should Be Beaten and Skinned Alive": The Final Phase of India's War on Kashmiri Civil Society (October 2020-2022)

Kashmir Law and Justice Project

Posted to KLJP

March 9, 2024


Originally published

March 2024

Key Developments in the Human Rights Situation in Indian-Administered Kashmir January 1 - January 31, 2024

Project South, KLJP, KSCAN

Posted to KLJP

February 17, 2024


Originally published

February 2024