Third-party content reporting violations of international law in Indian-Administered Jammu and Kashmir.

2024 Bi-Annual Review Human Rights Situation in Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir

This report summarizes violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law documented in Indian-administered Kashmir during January - June 2024.

Topics: Human Rights violations perpetrated by Indian Occupying Authorities, Heightened Militarization, A Narrative of Erasure, Some instances of ‘Atrocity crimes’ perpetrated by the Occupying force, Freedom of expression, association, assembly, and free movement, Religious Freedom
Arbitrary Detentions under PSA and UAPA, The NIA’s Disturbing Tactics, List of NIA and SIA raids, Arrest of Advocate Mian Qayoom, UAPA sanctions against Arundhati Roy and Professor Sheikh Showket, Silencing Dissent: Suppression and Property Seizures, Imposition of Restrictions on Lawyer’s body, Banning of Resistance Organisations, Sham Elections, List of Freedom Fighters killed from Jan - June
2024, List of Civilians killed from Jan - June 2024, List of Indian Occupying Forces killed from
Jan - June 2024, List of PSA detainees from Jan - June 2024

Legal Forum for Kashmir - LFK

Posted to KLJP

November 23, 2023

Historical Reports

Originally published

July 2024

2024 Bi-Annual Review Human Rights Situation in Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir

This report summarizes violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law documented in Indian-administered Kashmir during January - June 2024.

Topics: Human Rights violations perpetrated by Indian Occupying Authorities, Heightened Militarization, A Narrative of Erasure, Some instances of ‘Atrocity crimes’ perpetrated by the Occupying force, Freedom of expression, association, assembly, and free movement, Religious Freedom
Arbitrary Detentions under PSA and UAPA, The NIA’s Disturbing Tactics, List of NIA and SIA raids, Arrest of Advocate Mian Qayoom, UAPA sanctions against Arundhati Roy and Professor Sheikh Showket, Silencing Dissent: Suppression and Property Seizures, Imposition of Restrictions on Lawyer’s body, Banning of Resistance Organisations, Sham Elections, List of Freedom Fighters killed from Jan - June
2024, List of Civilians killed from Jan - June 2024, List of Indian Occupying Forces killed from
Jan - June 2024, List of PSA detainees from Jan - June 2024

Legal Forum for Kashmir - LFK

Posted to KLJP

July 9, 2024

Historical Reports

Originally published

July 2024

The Saffronization of Occupied Kashmir: Demystifying Hindu(tva) Settler Colonial Designs

This report analyzes the intricate array of legal, political, and socio-cultural engineering employed by the Indian state to orchestrate this Hindu(tva) settler colonial project, drawing upon historical continuities from the Dogra Hindu Raj to its contemporary manifestations in the form of BJP-RSS-led saffronisation project.

Topics: Hindu(tva) as a Neo-Nazi Project, Dogra Rule of Kashmir as Proto Hindu(tva) Order, From “Occupational Constitutionalism” to Weaving Settler Colonial ‘Legal’ Architecture, Sacralising the Space, Patterns of Enforced Demography Change, Colonizing Academia: Saffronisation of Higher Education in Kashmir, Saffronising Young Minds: School Education under Siege, The Coercive Push for Hindi Homogenization: Linguistic Aggression in Kashmir, From Youth to Gen Z: Indianising Via Pop Culture, Saffronization of Governing Institutions of Kashmir, Warfare of Symbolism: Erasure of Muslim Cultural Markers and Imposition of Hindu Symbols

Legal Forum for Kashmir -- LFK

Posted to KLJP

November 23, 2023

Historical Reports

Originally published

May 2024

The Saffronization of Occupied Kashmir: Demystifying Hindu(tva) Settler Colonial Designs

This report analyzes the intricate array of legal, political, and socio-cultural engineering employed by the Indian state to orchestrate this Hindu(tva) settler colonial project, drawing upon historical continuities from the Dogra Hindu Raj to its contemporary manifestations in the form of BJP-RSS-led saffronisation project.

Topics: Hindu(tva) as a Neo-Nazi Project, Dogra Rule of Kashmir as Proto Hindu(tva) Order, From “Occupational Constitutionalism” to Weaving Settler Colonial ‘Legal’ Architecture, Sacralising the Space, Patterns of Enforced Demography Change, Colonizing Academia: Saffronisation of Higher Education in Kashmir, Saffronising Young Minds: School Education under Siege, The Coercive Push for Hindi Homogenization: Linguistic Aggression in Kashmir, From Youth to Gen Z: Indianising Via Pop Culture, Saffronization of Governing Institutions of Kashmir, Warfare of Symbolism: Erasure of Muslim Cultural Markers and Imposition of Hindu Symbols

Legal Forum for Kashmir -- LFK

Posted to KLJP

May 27, 2024

Historical Reports

Originally published

May 2024

Weaponizing Counterterrorism: India’s exploitation of terrorism financing assessments to target the civil society

This report describes how the Indian government has weaponized counter-terrorism and money laundering laws to target civil society organisations and human rights defenders with a focus on the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, Unlawful Activities(Prevention) Act and Prevention of Money Laundering Act and highlights emblematic cases of the crackdown suffered by journalists, academics, human rights activists, and students, including Kashmiri human rights defenders and the Jammu Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society.

Topics: Financial Action Task Force (FATF) processes, Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA), Unlawful Activities(Prevention) Act (UAPA) and Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), conclusion, recommendations

Terms: abuse of law, lawfare, disinformation, denial of right to freedom of association, denial of right to freedom of expression, FCRA, UAPA, PMLA

Amnesty International

Posted to KLJP

November 23, 2023

Historical Reports

Originally published

September 2023

Weaponizing Counterterrorism: India’s exploitation of terrorism financing assessments to target the civil society

This report describes how the Indian government has weaponized counter-terrorism and money laundering laws to target civil society organisations and human rights defenders with a focus on the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, Unlawful Activities(Prevention) Act and Prevention of Money Laundering Act and highlights emblematic cases of the crackdown suffered by journalists, academics, human rights activists, and students, including Kashmiri human rights defenders and the Jammu Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society.

Topics: Financial Action Task Force (FATF) processes, Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA), Unlawful Activities(Prevention) Act (UAPA) and Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), conclusion, recommendations

Terms: abuse of law, lawfare, disinformation, denial of right to freedom of association, denial of right to freedom of expression, FCRA, UAPA, PMLA

Amnesty International

Posted to KLJP

November 23, 2023

Historical Reports

Originally published

September 2023

Communication of UN special rapporteurs and working group August 8 2023

This communication from the UN Special Rapporteurs on promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism the situation of human rights defenders, promotion and protection of freedom of opinion and expression, peaceful assembly and association and the situation of human rights defenders and the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention analyzes the counter-terrorism framework in Jammu & Kashmir—including relevant provisions of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act, Public Safety Act, National Security Act, Code of Criminal Procedure, Penal Code, and Foreign Contribution Regulation Act—and highlights its ripeness for human rights abuse.

Topics: counter-terrorism legislative and regulatory framwork in Jammu & Kashmir

Terms: Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), Public Safety Act (PSA), National Security Act, Code of Criminal Procedure, Penal Code, and Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), abuse of counter-terror laws, reprisals

UN Special Rapporteurs and Working Group

Posted to KLJP

November 23, 2023

Historical Reports

Originally published

August 2023

Communication of UN special rapporteurs and working group August 8 2023

This communication from the UN Special Rapporteurs on promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism the situation of human rights defenders, promotion and protection of freedom of opinion and expression, peaceful assembly and association and the situation of human rights defenders and the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention analyzes the counter-terrorism framework in Jammu & Kashmir—including relevant provisions of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act, Public Safety Act, National Security Act, Code of Criminal Procedure, Penal Code, and Foreign Contribution Regulation Act—and highlights its ripeness for human rights abuse.

Topics: counter-terrorism legislative and regulatory framwork in Jammu & Kashmir

Terms: Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), Public Safety Act (PSA), National Security Act, Code of Criminal Procedure, Penal Code, and Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), abuse of counter-terror laws, reprisals

UN Special Rapporteurs and Working Group

Posted to KLJP

November 23, 2023

Historical Reports

Originally published

August 2023

January - June 2023 Human Rights Situation in Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir

This report is based on the primary and secondary source of information collected by team of Legal Forum for Kashmir, including official sources, media sources, NGO reporting and primary reports from victim families. Between January and June 2023, at least 113 cordon and search operations, 126 killings, 91 incidents of property destruction, 109 internet shutdowns and 5,392 arrests were reported.

Topics: human rights violations, heightened militarization, freedom of expression, association, assembly and free movement, the NIA's disturbing tactics, land grabbing, enforced disappearances, ceasefire violations, list of civilians killed, list of Indian forces killed, list of freedom fighters killed, list of individuals detained

Terms: a narrative to win hearts of kashmiris, instances of atrocity crimes, G20 tourism working group meeting, religious freedom, arbitrary detention, Public Safety Act (PSA), Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), silencing dissent, suppression of expression, raids, arrests and residential properties attached, expropriation of property, destruction fo property, NIA seeking death sentence for Yasin Malik

Legal Forum for Kashmir - LFK

Posted to KLJP

November 23, 2023

Historical Reports

Originally published

July 2023

January - June 2023 Human Rights Situation in Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir

This report is based on the primary and secondary source of information collected by team of Legal Forum for Kashmir, including official sources, media sources, NGO reporting and primary reports from victim families. Between January and June 2023, at least 113 cordon and search operations, 126 killings, 91 incidents of property destruction, 109 internet shutdowns and 5,392 arrests were reported.

Topics: human rights violations, heightened militarization, freedom of expression, association, assembly and free movement, the NIA's disturbing tactics, land grabbing, enforced disappearances, ceasefire violations, list of civilians killed, list of Indian forces killed, list of freedom fighters killed, list of individuals detained

Terms: a narrative to win hearts of kashmiris, instances of atrocity crimes, G20 tourism working group meeting, religious freedom, arbitrary detention, Public Safety Act (PSA), Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), silencing dissent, suppression of expression, raids, arrests and residential properties attached, expropriation of property, destruction fo property, NIA seeking death sentence for Yasin Malik

Legal Forum for Kashmir - LFK

Posted to KLJP

November 23, 2023

Historical Reports

Originally published

July 2023